

The Songbird story will be offered in different forms to help fund the FineDay humanitarian and educational projects

The story will first be offered as an Kindle BOOK in fast read novel format, then as an Audible book PLAY with voice actors, music, and sound effects, and finally as a full color Illustrated Hardcover BOOK.

Songbird will also be offered as a FEATURE FILM.

The first act of the feature will be offered as episode one of a series for TELEVISION or steaming service.


To help implement the plan, you can purchase a book,
or make a purchase in the FineDay Store,
or sign up for membership in the Fine Day Patreon group,
or make a donation:


Attempts will be made to contact these high-profile potential supporters, but if you have direct access, please ask them to check out SONGBIRD:


Spielberg may want to have some involvement with SONGBIRD due to a strange synchronicity with the writer David Watkinson.

During David’s career in Hollywood, he worked on some of Steven’s movies, but never met him and didn’t know until years later about any of the following similarities between the two.

Both men were born the same year and both were playing with model trains at the same time not far from each other at either end of Haddon Ave. in Southern New Jersey.

Both were inspired to pursue their life’s work by attending movies in a theatre on Haddon Ave, possibly sitting nearby at the same screenings.

Both men’s fathers were engineers working at the RCA corporation in Camden, NJ.

When David finally heard about the similarities, he pulled out the only issue he had of the RCA newsletter, which he had saved because it contained a photo of his father.

He was surprised to see that the first article was by Steven’s father.


David gained much respect for Seth, while working with him on all three seasons of Seth’s series The Orville.

Seth proved himself to be one of the most hard working talented people in Hollywood.

But of most importance to David is their shared belief in the need for a positive Star Trek future, rather than a dystopian world projected in so much of the fiction that serves up fearful futures.

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