About the FineDay Academy

We exist to implement our 3 part motto:
Learn from the PAST, Live in the PRESENT, Create the future with LOVE
Part 1 LEARN from the Past
Embracing individual lessons learned, while releasing the emotional weight of past experiences creates a balanced approach to life.
That process enables us to move forward with greater clarity and resilience. As a result, the academy will look at various therapeutic modalities to help the process.
However, learning from our collective past, requires knowing that past. So, the academy is developing a project (Points in Time) to help people enjoying learning about history.
Part 2 LIVE in the Present
As Mark Twain observed, “I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” This wry comment highlights how much of our worry and fear is often unfounded. By dwelling on potential future problems, we create stress and anxiety over events that may never occur.
Similarly, obsessing about the past with regret can trap us in a cycle of negativity and hinder our ability to engage with the here and now.
Concentrating on the present, we can address actual challenges as they arise and avoid unnecessary mental strain.
This mindfulness can also lead to a greater appreciation for life’s simple pleasures and a deeper connection with the people around us.
As a result, the academy will promote activities such as meditation, music and dance.
Part 3 Create the Future with LOVE
We agree with the following moral principles from the Prime Directive:
“The right of each sentient species to live following the greater universal law of Free Will, in accordance with its natural and biological cultural evolution is considered sacred.”
If we follow the Prime Directive, as we become a space faring civilization encountering primitive worlds, we may not “interfere with the normal, autonomous and healthy development of native life, society and culture.”
Fortunately for us, alien species so advanced that they look at us as primitive talking animals, are prohibited by the directive from eating or enslaving us.
Although the directive specifically applies to group behavior in space, we believe it can also apply to individuals on Earth in situations of power imbalances like that between adults and children, intellectually gifted and intellectually challenged people, humans and animals, etc.
The application of the Prime Directive’s moral principle for the inhabitants of Earth is what we call the Prime Declaration.
Of course, many big challenges in organizing society to follow the Prime Declaration.
For example, history has shown that allowing freedom in the market place for entrepreneurs to thrive has contributed to general prosperity, as well as huge concentrations of wealth and power. Unfortunately, that power can be used to turn people who lack entrepreneurial skills or resources into virtual wage slaves.
Another example of an obvious obstacle would be the problems inherent in applying the Prime Declaration to human interaction with animals. That application would conflict with the biological or psychological need a large majority of humans have for eating animal products.
Our mission is to help facilitate the creation of a consensus on long term strategies for overcoming the obstacles to building a society that adheres to both the Prime Directive and the Prime Declaration.
For example, when dealing with the food aspect of health projects, we will encourage methods for accommodating meat-eaters, while building a society with animal rights.
In projects about economics, we will encourage strategies for rewarding entrepreneurial initiative and skill, while ensuring prosperity for all non-entrepreneurial or unskilled, but good-hearted followers of the Prime Declaration.
When dealing with politics and government, we’ll encourage people to see the Bill of Rights as an essential starting point.
About the writer of the Prime Declaration and founder of FineDay
David Watkinson was always interested in learning and sharing knowledge. He worked in the education field in his spare time, while working in the film and television business. For example, David was Director of Education for the National Business Academy, a UCLA extension instructor and a visiting Assistant Professor at the UCLA Graduate School of Film.
To understand David’s reason for writing the Prime Declaration, please see The Friendship Project. For more about David and the work that led him to found FineDay, please see his Author’s bio on Amazon, or this short picture story, “About MAIN STREET MULTIMEDIA Kind of a Cat Tale.”