FineDay Fiction Books +
Books by Authors Interviewed by FineDay
Preserve Planet: Alien Adventures
Sonbird: Astral Adventures
Although Songbird: Astral Travels stands on its own, it also acts as the sequel to Preserve Planet: Alien Adventures. And together the two books form the origin story of The FineDay Academy.
See research videos for this book and access for FineDay fiction readers (Fictionaires) HERE.
Please get the Kindle and paperback versions of PRESERVE PLANET: Alien Adventures on Amazon.
For preview videos in English, Japanese or German and research videos and more information about the book, please visit its Fictionaire section HERE.
The Kindle and paperback versions of Songbird: Astral Adventures are on Amazon.
Books by Authors Interviewed as Research for FineDay Fiction
Amazon associate links:
Research for Preserve Planet: Alien Adventures
Category: Aliens
Interview/presentation with Barbara Lamb
Barbara has 5 books on Amazon, including her latest:
Research for Preserve Planet: Alien Adventures
Category: Aliens
FineDay Interview with Maj. George Filer
Maj Filer as 2 books on Amazon including:
Research for Songbird: Astral Adventures
Category: Out of Body Travel
FineDay Interviews with Graham Nicolls